The Client shall be entitled to purchase material from Prospen Africa. The price for the purchase of any Material shall be agreed to between the parties.
The Client shall pay to Prospen Africa. (100%) of the purchase price up front in relation to the purchase of the Material, only after an invoice has been accepted by the Client.
It is agreed that The Client will make all payments into the designated banking account stipulated on the invoice.
For development of material, the Client shall pay 50% of the final cost immediately to Prospen Africa and the remainder once development has taken place and prior to delivery.
Due to the nature of the products (electronic documents that are non-tangible, irrevocable goods of which copies can be made before being returned), Prospen Africa does not offer refunds.
Training material will be delivered in electronic version Ms Word format. Prospen Africa does not supply printed documents.
Training material will be transferred to the client using the following methods:
Drop box
We transfer
It is agreed that the entire accreditation process is the sole responsibility of the Client.
Development and / or supply of Qualification / Unit Standards at the agreed timeframe. Each standard package consists of the following:
Learner Manual
Facilitator Guide
Moderator Guide
Assessor Guide
POE Guide
Alignment strategy
Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Prospen Africa endeavours to make any identified changes to the materials supplied against the relevant SETA report which must be supplied to Prospen Africa in its original format as it was issued by the SETA ETQA to The Client. No handwritten notes will be accepted, only the evaluator’s report from SETA (unless otherwise agreed to between the parties). These rectifications and amendments are rendered at no additional charge and at agreed time frames.
The Client does not hold the right to resell the Material to other institutions or academies in any form.
The copyright of the Material belongs to Prospen Africa, and the Client will be allowed to copy and distribute the material only to learners for the purpose of training.
The Client shall be entitled rights to customize (which shall include, but not be limited to the right to update, edit, include, delete) any part of the qualification and/or unit standard in its sole discretion. The Client shall also be entitled rights to use any part of the qualification in pre-recorded and live Webinars and for use in the design and development of eLearning programs deployed from the Clients online Learning Management System [LMS] or uploaded onto the client’s LMS.
Prospen Africa does not supply internal moderation reports with the training material. It is a QMS requirement that the client must take the training material for internal moderation. The material has been moderated and meets the requirements of the SETA ETQA. ProspenAfrica. will not be in position to supply these reports as it is a conflict of interest, and our reports are considered biased by the SETA. The client must use a neutral party to moderate the training material against the SETAETQA requirements.